
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Too many BABY PRODUCTS.....what to buy..what not???

For a first time mom,its really difficult to decide what to buy or what not.
There are so many baby products on shelves ................................
......stroller,rockers,swings,cribs,walkers,bather,carriers,bath tubs,diapers,swaddler,teether,clippers,breast pumps,......................etc,  etc and every thing looks pretty and a necessity.But your mother says 
"we have never needed them and so do you. Its just waste of money".And it comes to your mind..........

Do I really need them all?????

well, it was a problem with me,i wanted best but didn't know how?i surfed a lot on net ,most of the websites were really helpful but some thing that helps about products useful in india ....was difficult to found ....Back to the question do we really need so many things????

YES and depends.

For some people they hardly need anything and love old school method but me, being a new age mom wanted everything best for my baby as u all want.So during my journey of motherhood I came across so many things ,some I found useful and some were just waste or some are just .....hardly important.It was a whole new world to me when I started exploring and I learnt a lot.But if I had someone to help during that time it would have been much easirer at least I wont have to search too much on net.  

So I will try to help you decide What to buy and what u may buy or what to not....decision is all yours. In my coming blogs I am going to discuss each and every Baby product that I came across.I will try my best to sort out things as Important, might be ,hardly or not at all.

so keep checking me ...........
Bye for now
some other sources for help in same
Baby products of the year
Real moms favourite baby products