
Monday, March 31, 2014


One day i was reading a book in my bed while my toddler was trying to sleep next to me by trying so many things like choosing the right pillow, the right direction (even upside down) ;  sleeping above the blanket or under the pillow..... like always during bedtime.......
 After doing so many things and trying so many positions to sleep ; she decided to hid her face with blanket and I finallly turned away my eyes from her.

After a while when i was quite engaged in my book and forgot everything around me, i heard some  gigling sound from inside the blanket and suddenly my baby lifted her blanket and looked up into my eyes and burst into laughter. I was surprised but didn't know what happened so i laughed a little at her and turned away my face.

        And then again  she did the same thing........ covered her face with blanket... giggled inside....looked at me and burst into laughter.
Oh my god what she's doing?
Is she playing peekaboo with me.........????
When did she learn that and from where???..........oh my god i love that she's playing peek...a.....booooo.......................with me.

that was my reaction
Its was the first time  and now it has become her fav game. she hid her face or herself behind some furniture as if she thinks that nobody could see her or didnt know where she is and all of a sudden  shows her face and start laughing with all that twinkle in her eyes and with naughtiness in her mind. she is so excited always that she can't control her giggles while hiding.....

I am hiding,no one can see me


I love u so much .....


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