
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A day in BABY's Life

Yesterday a 10yr old girl in my neighbourhood asks me about my little baby's daily routine .
What does she do the whole day? she was curious to know why a baby's day is about all plays and no work.

I was clueless what to answer,i said nothing and smiled

No..................but it's not the truth,how cud I say so, a baby does nothing the entire day.
Every day after waking up till she is off to bed,the whole day she doesn't sit for a moment,,always up to something.

Everyday in a baby's life is about learning new skills
learning about new things.

From discovering ones body parts

to discovering new places

......,wandering in her surroundings

 to exploring the world


 looking for the horizon.

A day in baby's life is full of challenges and yes, loads of loads of fun.

On looking at pics taken few months back,I am surprised how much my Lil baby has learnt in 16 months only.

so much is learnt...... from changing channels
to sweeping the house ;)

oh really!.......that's another story(delights of living with a toddler)


  1. thanks for ur beautiful words
    every baby is cute and asdorable in her mum's eyes
