
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Apple Desserts/Apple sauce for babies monthwise

One thing that all mums have noticed that babies taste changes from month to month,even within weeks sometimes.One day they might like some fruit or veggie but other day they decide to balk at the sight of it.

Another problem is Babies usually get bored with the bland purees after a while and start rejecting it.
so what can we do?
Why not try adding some interesting ingredients to same basic purees.After all ,we have to introduce something new in our babys diet every month.

lets, experiment a little with Basic apple puree.

Apple dessert can be prepared in many ways for babies at different stages by only changing the ingredients and's some recipes for babies monthwise

For a Six month old baby
Basic apple puree

  • first stew apple
  • blend it into a pureee form in the same water it is cooked using blenderr(if u want a smooth puree)
  • if u want a textured puree then blend with a hand blender .
  • no need to add any sugar.
written in detail here with pics Basic Apple Puree For Babies

only problm is a six month old baby can hardly eat one or two spoon,so even if u use just one apple,still u wud end up with too much what to do? either u can freeze it for later on or u can make a delicious & nutritious dessert for urself like honeyed apple desser( see recipe in end)

For a 9 to 12 month old baby month old baby-

Apple Cardomom Dessert for babies

After eight month babies can be introduced with spices, why not add some spice and make it a lil sweeter.
Its a yummy and healthy recipe, with raisins,apple,cornflour
raisin-it helps to prevent constipation,contains makes the apple a little bit more sweeter,so baby wud love it'
cornflour-it contains mostly starch,good weight gaining food
apple-no need to tell its benefit.

Ingredients- two apples,
1/4 teaspoon of grounded cardomom powder
8 to 10 raisins.(choose light colored one)can soak it for few hrs also.
1/2 teaspoon of cornflour(optional)


  • Core & Peel skin,
  • Cut into piece,
  • Sprinkle cardomom powder on it(initially sprinkle a pinch only)
  • Put the apple pieces in a Saucepan.
  • Add soaked raisins along with its water.
  • Add water
  • Stew the apples for 20 min or so,till apples get cooked(click to learn)
  • Now add 1/2 teaspoon of corn flour for thickening(or if u wants less thick ,use lil les)
  • let it cook for few minutes till water becomes paste like.
  • remove from flame
  • finally roughly puree it in blender.
  • if u want to just mash with fork and serve to ur baby,take care with raisins(they get very soft aad mushy but yet don't get mashed.
  • u can mash with ur clean fingers too,and dont forget to let ur baby lick the delicius apples from ur fingers
wow!yummy and healthy too  
For You and Ur Baby (after 12 months)

Delicious Honeyed Apple dessert/ apple sauce

Written in detail here with pics Delicious honeyed apple dessert for baby and you

Not much different from above recipe,only the addition of one of my baby's favourite "HONEY" ;one of the best home remedy for cold.

Lets check the ingredients
1/2 teaspoon of grounded cardomom powder
1/2 teaspoon ofcornflour .i ddded one teaspoon i like it lil thick.
Honey-one large table spoon
sugar(optional)-esp for toddlers.all of them develop sweet tooth,no matter how much we try not ?
dont agree with me ,ask any shopkeeper how much they earn from innocent looking choclates and toffees

  • Core and peel skin (if like skin on ,don't peel)remove seeds cut into pieces.
  • Sprinkle cardomom powder.
  • Stew apples till they become tender but retain their shape.
  • Add One large tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Add half teaspoon of cornflour to the water and
  • add sugar if u want it very sweet for ur choosy toddler
  • Stir it for few minutes till it get's little thick and become paste like. 
A delicious honeyed apple dessert is ready so quickly.
take some part of it for ur baby,mash a bit with fork.
dont mash for urself
u can give it to baby along with cereals ,can keep it for few days.
Enjoy eating together.its for both of u.A very Healthy Dessert
and dont forgert to tell ur sweetie pie
"u r an apple of my eye".

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